You won’t believe how crazy simple this glass cleaner is… seriously. It’s almost ridiculous, and it’s sustainable and reusable over and again… and you only need 2 “ingredients” for this one!

This glass cleaner is best used for what I like to term “maintenance” glass cleaning, if you need some more heavy-duty glass cleaning, then Glass Cleaner #2, or even #3 may work better for you.

  • Water (plain old tap water will do, but if you have very hard water in your area, consider a water conditioner or bottled water)
  • Good quality microfiber cloth

The reason I state a “good quality” microfiber cloth, like the one listed above is in this case, quality (price) does matter. Make sure to keep your microfiber cloths in good cleaning condition by washing them without any fabric softener, which can build up and make them useless for cleaning after a time.

Tip from Evi: My personal pick for most of my glass-cleaning needs around the shop is Glass Cleaner #2 and I’ll use the microfiber cloth when the shop’s display cases need extra attention!

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